Patric Kearns, a master falconer, founded Wine Country Raptors in the belief that education is crucial to conservation.

My falconry journey began, as do
many things in life, by chance. I was a volunteer at a wildlife rehab center, working with raptors. I became confident handling, feeding and medicating them, and eventually helped with conditioning and release.

The birds impressed me with their matter how sick, or how badly injured, they fought to be free.

One of the supervisors commented about how much I loved these birds, and expressed surprise I hadn't gotten into falconry!! I didn't realize people outside of Medieval times, even DID falconry!! I mentioned all this to a friend who happened to know someone who bred falcons. I met him, and he became my falconry sponsor – that was over 30 years ago.

Raptors have enriched my life. I hope Wine Country Raptors Environmental Education Programs will do the same for the next generation."